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miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2020

Spotlight de Minun y Plusle

311 - Plusle.gif312 - Minun.gif

Informacion General

Nombre: Minun and Plusle
Level: 100
Elemento: Electric
Boost: Thunder Stone (3)


Minun and Plusle necesita Level 100.


Moveset PVP

M1Sweet Kiss (40s)AOE ConfusionFairy
Level 100
M2Spark (10s)Target DamageElectric
Level 100
M3Nuzzle (40s)AOE Damage BuffElectric
Level 105
M4Thunder Wrath (45s)AOE DamageElectric
Level 112
M5Split (40s)Self BuffNormal
Level 100
M6Helping Hand (25s)AOE Buff NevermissNormal
Level 100
M7Fake Tears (40s)AOE Buff NevermissNeutral
Level 106
M8Wish (150s)AOE Healing NevermissNormal
Level 100
PAfraid of NeedlesPassive Buff DebuffNormal

Moveset PVE

M1Sweet Kiss (40s)AOE ConfusionFairy
Level 100
M2Spark (10s)Target DamageElectric
Level 100
M3Nuzzle (40s)AOE Damage BuffElectric
Level 105
M4Thunder Wrath (45s)AOE DamageElectric
Level 112
M5Split (40s)Self BuffNormal
Level 100
M6Helping Hand (25s)AOE Buff NevermissNormal
Level 100
M7Fake Tears (40s)AOE Buff NevermissNeutral
Level 106
M8Wish (60s)AOE Healing NevermissNormal
Level 100
PAfraid of NeedlesPassive Buff DebuffNormal


Muy Efectivo: Ground.
Normal: Normal, Fire, Water, Grass, Ice, Fighting, Poison, Psychic, Bug, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Crystal and Fairy.
Muy Inefectivo: Electric, Flying and Steel.