- Average Pokemon Egg,
- Team Rocket Outfit
- 40+?
- La vip no es requerida pero si es recomendada ya que de lo contrario tomará demasiado tiempo completar la quest. De preferencia tener un pokémon con Teleport y uno con Fly, para acortar tiempos.
Antes que nada es importante saber que esta quest cancela otra quest, a lo que me refiero es que si tu haces esta quest no podrás hacer la de Police y viceversa. Debes de decidir si te harás Rocket o Police, ambas dan la misma recompenza, sin embargo el outfit es diferente, además si te haces Rocket los Policias te atacaran y si te haces Police entonces los Rockets te atacarán.
Primero hay que ir al casino de Celadon (localizado en el centro de dicha ciudad) y bajar a la coladera que hay en una de las esquinas del casino. Posteriormente hay que pedir una batalla con Rocket Kurt.
- Jugador: hi
- Rocket Kurt: We, Team Rocket, are Pokemon gangsters! We strike fear with our strength!
- Jugador: battle
- Rocket Kurt: We, Team Rocket, are Pokemon You can't defeat the Team Rocket!
- Jugador: yes
- Rocket Kurt: How many Pokemons? min 3 max 6!
- Jugador: (3-6)
- Rocket Kurt: They will be merciless with me.
Una vez que has llegado con Giovanni habla con el para unirte y pide tu primera misión:
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Welcome to my hideout! It shall be so until I can restore Team Rocket to its former glory! So, I must say, I am impressed you got here! I have to warn you that this is not a place for kids, unless you want to JOIN the Team Rocket.
- Jugador: JOIN
- Giovanni: Team Rocket captures Pokemon from around the world. They're important tools for keeping our criminal enterprise going. If you want to join, you must answer me what you seek: Power? Fortune? Fame? Everything?
- Jugador: everything
- Giovanni: Yes, that is what a true team rocket member wants! You can choose to help the Team Rocket or the Police, are you sure Team Rocket is your choice? There is no coming back.
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Good! You are a member of the Team Rocket! I am the Leader Giovanni, you will receive missions directly from me! Ask for your first mission when you are ready.
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: So, you want your first mission, good! I sent a team to steal a bag of rare fossils at MT.Moon, but a team of several police surprised my team! You must defeat then and bring the bag of fossils to sell at the black market. Are you interested?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: OK! When you get the bag of fossils, sell it to Sirius, he is our merchant from the black market, you can found him inside this hideout, then bring the money suitcase to me!
- Jugador: bye
- Giovanni: Farewell and remember: Steal Pokemon for profit. Exploit Pokemon for profit. All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!
y hacer uso del comando !taunt con esta ropa:
Muy bien, ahora hay que ir a derrotar 5 Police Recruits y robar una bolsa de fosiles para venderla en el mercador negro. Para hacer esto hay que dirigirnos a Mt. Moon. Explicaré 2 maneras de llegar a el lugar indicado, volando (esto será peligroso) o a pie (esto es más sencillo pero más tardado):
Llegar volando
Para llegar volando a partir del CP de Pewter primero hay que elevarse a la altura máxima y luego seguir este camino:
Posteriormente hay que bajar hasta tocar el suelo, justo en ese momento desmontarte de tu pokémon y atacar! pues los clefables y clefairies son agresivos y tiran metronomo como locos! Por otro lado es recomendable ir acompañado para evitar fallecer. Una vez acabes con los pokémons que te estorben toma el siguiente camino para llegar a donde estan los Police Recruits, pero ten cuidado que te saldra un Golem:
Llegar a pie
Para llegar partiendo del CP de Pewter (requieres un pokémon con Rock Smash) toma el siguiente camino:
Dirigete con cuidado ya que salen Golbatsaurios que te envenenan y te hacen missear tus ataques :c, además ten cuidado con el Golem que podría salir al final.
Ahora ve al fondo de la cueva y verás una mochila, dale click y aparecerá en tu pokebag esa mochila:
Una vez que tengas la mochila regresa a la base y vende la mochilita con Sirius, este NPC esta localizado en la parte oeste de la base:
- Jugador: hi
- Sirius: Hello! Welcome to the Team Rocket black market! Want me to 'sell goods' to you?
- Jugador: sell goods
- Sirius: Nice! These fossils are worth a lot of money! Pleasure doing business with you!
- Jugador: bye
- Sirius: Good bye!
Ahora ve con Giovanni y entregale la maleta con el dinero:
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Good! I must confess I wasn't expecting to see you again! It seems I was wrong. Maybe you are stronger than I expected! Good job!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: I sent one of my grunts to steal rare items from the vermilion mart, but someone reported him, and he is stuck there! Show me you are stronger than I thought! Defeat any police there, and bring the items to sell at the black market, ok?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Good! When you have the bag of items sell it to Sirius and bring me the money! Do not disappoint me!
- Jugador: bye
- Giovanni: Farewell and remember: Steal Pokemon for profit. Exploit Pokemon for profit. All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!
Una vez que hayas derrotado a los Police Officers y tengas la bolsa de items regresate pa' la base a vender en el mercado negro (cual pinche mercado, nomas es 1 NPC) la bolsita:
- Jugador: hi
- Sirius: Hello! Welcome to the Team Rocket black market! Want me to 'sell goods' to you?
- Jugador: sell goods
- Sirius: Good! These rare items will earn us a lot of money in the black market! Pleasure doing business with you!
- Jugador: bye
- Sirius: Good bye!
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Interesting! I think I finally found a useful member, not trashes like Jessie and James! You should be able to do a major crime to me! Ask me when you are ready to begin!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: I want the Master ball schematics for a major research, and you are going to get it for me! But you will not be able to infiltrate the police station with those annoying growlithes around! First you will give them poisoned food, are you ready?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Here! It is a poisoned food, give it to those 3 growlithes at the police station, it will make them sleep and they won't see you undercover.
- Jugador: bye
- Giovanni: Farewell and remember: Steal Pokemon for profit. Exploit Pokemon for profit. All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!
Para envenenarlos solo tienes que darle use with y usar la carne en cada perrito, de 1 en 1 y te saldrán los siguientes letreros:
- you have poisoned fast growlithe.
- you have poisoned strong growlithe.
- you have poisoned sniffer growlithe.
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Have you completed your mission?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Ahh it's a good start! Those growlithes were ruining all my infiltration plans! Good work!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Lets continue with the mission. With those growlithes out of the way, I will give you a disguise so the police wont recognize you are from team rocket! You must return to the viridian police station and steal the vault key... are you ready?.
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: OK! Here, this will make them see you as a police and they wont attack you, it will only last for 30 minutes, so make haste, find the chest with the vault key and bring it to me! Good luck!
- 29 minutes and 59 seconds left.
- Giovanni: How rude!
Una vez obtengas la llave You see a pokekey. It's an unique item
regresa a la base y ve directo con Giovanni para recibir tu última misión!!!
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Finally I put my hands on this key! Good Work! Now I think you can do you greatest mission! Tell me when you are ready to begin!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: You must be excited to receive your most important mission! I can say it will be hard for a new member like you, but you will be well rewarded for all you've done to Team Rocket! I can only tell the rest if you accept the mission, are you ready?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Here is the plan: first you must find the hidden bank at viridian forest, and defeat any police you find there! I'm giving you that key you stole on your last mission, you will have to use it, to open the chest and steal the master ball schematics!
- Jugador: bye
- Giovanni: Farewell and remember: Steal Pokemon for profit. Exploit Pokemon for profit. All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!
You see a sign. You read: Prohibited area Do not enter :D Una vez hayas llegado al banco baja las escaleras y partele la madre a todo Policía que se cruce en tu camino, recuerda derrotar 5 Police Recruits y 3 Police Officers, por si acaso avientate unas 3 vueltas limpiando el respawn, ya que si te hace falta alguno tendrás que regresar. Al fondo del banco hay un cofre azúl, dale use with a la llave que te dio Giovanni y usala sobre el cofre, obtendrás un librito que no dice nada pero pss segun es el esquema que quiere Giovanni ._. Regresa a la base
Si te faltó alguno es necesario que sepas que no es absolutamente necesario regresar a matar a los Policias que te hagan falta hasta allá. Si lo que te hace falta matar son Police Recruit hay uno detras del Centro Comercial de Celadon:
Por otro lado si te falta algún Police Officer, la verdad que no sé donde haya uno mas cercano, así que supongo que en ese caso si tendrás que regresar hasta allá.
Finalmente habla con Giovanni una vez hayas matado los 5 Police Recruits, 3 Police Officers y obtenido el librito:
- Jugador: hi
- Giovanni: Hi, I'm not in a good mood today... it is better be important!
- Jugador: mission
- Giovanni: Did you get the master ball schematics?
- Jugador: yes
- Giovanni: Excellent! I can finally continue my top secret research! Here is your reward for all your services to the Team Rocket you helped me a lot in restoring this team to its former glory! I will have more missions for you later, we are done for now!
- Jugador: bye
- Giovanni: Farewell and remember: Steal Pokemon for profit. Exploit Pokemon for profit. All Pokemon exist for the glory of Team Rocket!
que contiene un Pokemon aleatorio de los siguientes (NOTA: Faltan mas pokemones en la imagen de las nuevas generaciones de los que da el huevo) :
Tiene algunos detalles des-actualizados pero esta bien en general. No hay misiones despues de que te da el huevo?